Xpadder Issue (not loading p1 profiles)


New member
I have been having a horrible time getting xpadder to load profiles with hyperlaunch. When trying to load with only one player from frontend to emulator xpadder completely closes. When trying to load with 2 players it loads only p2 profiles. So basically it loads p2 hyperspin profile and p2 super nintendo profile for example.

I found a fix. Just forget making a p1 profile and make a p2 and p3. It works great now since I have been trying it this way, but it still has me flustered. Why won't the p1 profiles load? I would still prefer to use profiles p1 and p2 as they were intended to be used.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. If not I can still use p2 and p3 profiles.


Staff member
Pay attention to your hyperlaunch log and look at the profiles it tells xpadder to load. See if HL is finding your profiles, and that they are named correctly.