Switching to a newer MAME version get error when launching game in RLui


RL Member
Was previously running MAME v0.191 in RL.
Recently upgraded my MAME to version 0.261.
RL worked fine when launching my old MAME in RLui but now, with new version 0.261, I get this error:

"Error: Unknown option: -nouse_bezels"

In RL I:
-On global emulators I switched to the new MAME .exe path
-Under MAME system under emulator, I deleted old Rom path and set the new Rom path.

Any help much appreciated.


Super Moderator
Staff member
RL Member
You were using a 7 year old version of MAME that is updated every month. We have fixed the module for recent MAME versions, please search the forum for an updated MAME module.


RL Member
You were using a 7 year old version of MAME that is updated every month. We have fixed the module for recent MAME versions, please search the forum for an updated MAME module.
You took time to reply but you couldn't link directly to it? I'm trying to find it and I can't seem to find updated one anywhere 🤷‍♂️
I downloaded "latest" ver of RL from 2022 and it contains the same old version of the lhk module that RL or maybe HS complains that is not compatible with the ver of MAME I'm currently using.
And I looked in Modules forums and even though there is a thread about MAME 260, I don't see any download there either. It might be very easy for you to locate it, but I seem to have difficult time.
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