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  1. Knewlife

    mGalaxy Plugin?

    Not dead yet, here is my mGalaxy plugin... NO GUARANTEES: It is just the Rocketlauncher Plugin, for UI just select RocketlauncherUI plugin. You will need to create a database folder whit the format that RLUI uses so it can see the systems in mGalaxy to edit them. The rocketlauncher part works...
  2. Knewlife

    mGalaxy Plugin?

    Hi, long time no posting here :) I'm busy almost all the time right now but i was playing around with some frontends lately, trying to find one thats really simple and lightweight. So I found mGalaxy and is great... i can launch Rocketlauncher changing the confg xml files manually. Someone...
  3. Knewlife

    Set Resolution Setting in RLUI don't change the resolution of the monitor.

    Basically I set a custom resolution for Naomi system that uses DEMUL .58 with DX10 plugin (my video card is old and cant use DX11 plugin). The emulator uses a full screen mode that covers the entire screen, dont change the current resolution. So I need to change te resolution, I can make this...
  4. Knewlife

    Rom Mapping Launch Menu problems

    System: Nintendo 64, EMulator: RetroArch. I have a problem with rom mapping using the same rom mapping.ini files I use with hyperluanch. I suppose something has changed but cant find what. Problem 1: With this options... And this Rom Mapping... [Doom 64 (USA) (Rev A)]...
  5. Knewlife

    [User Functions] Restrict Cursor Movement to Bezels View Area

    If you like me use the mouse as a lightgun in some systens, but you want to use bezels or have a two screens setups, you will notice that your mouse can go out of the emulator screen and cause the emulator window to lost focus... This user function allow you to restrict the cursor movement to...
  6. Knewlife

    Script or Option to copy Hyperspin databases to RLUI

    Basically that... there is an Script or Option to copy Hyperspin databases to RLUI own format? Thanks :)
  7. Knewlife

    MUGEN module

    Official MUGEN module exit tests This is the official exit hack code: If (exitHack = 1) ; Sometimes mugen crashes during exit and doesn't close, so we need to do a workaround to detect it, this doesn't seem to happen on MUGEN 1.0 { If (gameTitle != frontendWinTitle) ; If the user exited mugen...
  8. Knewlife

    Fade Coodinates

    Ok here is another problem for you guys :D My fade text info settings: Text 3 (Year) Text 4 (Publisher) As you can see the settings are almost the same except the x and widht settings (to change the position and acommodate longer publiser text). Attached are images of the results in 16:9...
  9. Knewlife

    MUGEN module

    Found a problem with the current MUGEN module the games don't launch and it shows an error about don't finding the exe file... but the path displayed is wrong: ;THIS show ERROR MESSAGE SHOWING A EXTRANGE PATH INSIDE THE GAME FOLDER... LIKE c:\roms\mugen\mugengame\chars\chun...
  10. Knewlife

    Fade Coodinates

    Hi, I want to Know wath this mean in fade X and Y values: Fade_Rom_Info_Text_3_Options=w310 x165 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular I kind of understand that they are some sort of relative positioning values but I cant understand them... I found that if I set a play X or Y value and I...
  11. Knewlife

    Nestopia module

    Basically it allows you to change these options for all 5 controller ports in the module options, for every game: The right controller must be detected by the emulator if autodetect is enabled... but sometimes that dont work. Thats the moment when forcing a certain controller option is usefull.
  12. Knewlife

    WinApe Module error: "No Exit (USA)"

    Using the last winape module with Amstrad GX4000 to run the game "No Exit", the file open dialog get stuck and i get a rocketlauncher error waiting for the window. I change this line: OpenROM(dialogOpen . " ahk_class #32770", romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension) By this... aparently the...
  13. Knewlife

    My Youtube Channel

    Hi, i just like to share with you my little youtube channel that i just started today, i will contain mostly gameplays because i have been very busy lately and deserve some time to play games :) but there is always something "more important" to do... so posting my gameplays is just an excuse to...
  14. Knewlife

    Touhou Project Keymapping

    THis is what i found, it was easy than i think: Touhou Game: 1,2,4,5: 3: P1 and P2 All the rest can be configured with DirectInput Gamepads from within the game or using the config.exe configuration tool.
  15. Knewlife

    Touhou Project Keymapping

    I will like to know if you can recommend controls that fit all touhou games. I have seting up the default system controls for player 1 like this: controls are different in 3th. Like this...
  16. Knewlife

    Sega Model 2 Emulator Problem

    I have a problem since i have to reinstall windows due to a virus problem, i install all drivers, vcredist, directx, all i can think of but cant make sega model 2 emulator work again. I also download the emulator form the hyperspin ftp again (there i get it originally). all i get is that the...
  17. Knewlife

    [SOLVED] Xebra emulator help

    This emulator is supposed to be the best for PSX... but I can't pass the bios screen... i have the bios renamed in the folder where Xebra.exe is, I try to load several images (bin) directly and any of them work (the emulator hangs in the PS logo screen)... so the emulator requires BIN/CUE and...
  18. Knewlife

    Problem with Xbox 360 Controllers, one Wired, one Wireless

    I found a soltion to my problem... not perfect but will save some time to me: I install an alternative driver that turns my wired xinput controller into a pure direct input device, with loth of features like, separate axis for each trigger, reasign buttons, actually this driver is a dream come...
  19. Knewlife

    Problem with Xbox 360 Controllers, one Wired, one Wireless

    Hoo aparently i cant ise AHK as a keymapper anymore... HLHQ dont have the option so i change the ini and get this :(
  20. Knewlife

    Problem with Xbox 360 Controllers, one Wired, one Wireless

    Ok i buy a X360 Wireless controller. I already have a wired controller that now i want to use as player 2. Wireless as player 1 of course. In most emulators i dont have any problem as i use xpadder. The problem i have is with emulators that i have configured with XINPUT. In this case there is...